Saturday, September 5, 2020

Girl Scout Cookie Crumble: Part 2

My last post featured the first two rounds of the Girl Scout Cookie Crumble. Samoas were found to be superior to Caramel deLites, while ABC S'mores had a slight edge over the LBB S'mores. 

But those are just the first two showdowns. There are plenty more in store.

Without further ado, let's jump into it.

Cookie Crumble, Round 3: Shortbreads vs. Trefoils

I will admit, I don't always buy this type of cookie. A shortbread cookie sometimes seems too plain. Why go for this when there are options with chocolate, peanut butter, caramel? However, I've come to appreciate this kind in recent years. 

The Shortbread cookie (ABC) is a standard, straightforward shortbread cookie. It's pleasant enough, and good with milk. I kept thinking it would be nice to add frosting to it, or dip it in chocolate. But this cookie is good on its own. It reminds me of the old McDonaldland cookies that I remember getting from McDonald's as a kid. (Do they still make those?) 

Meanwhile, the Trefoil (LBB) is also good. It has more of a buttery, doughy flavor, and it does have a higher fat and calorie count. I like the Shortbread cookie slightly better, but both are good. If you weren't aware of the other, you wouldn't feel like you were missing anything. 

Round 3 Winner: Shortbread (ABC)

Cookie Crumble, Round 4: Peanut Butter Sandwich vs. Do-Si-Dos

I'm not usually a peanut butter-as-dessert person. I feel like it's fine with sandwiches and snacks, but it doesn't always interest me in dessert. However, in the interest of science and not leaving any cookies untasted, I wanted to include these in the crumble.

The Peanut Butter Sandwich cookie (ABC) is a solid peanut butter cookie with real peanut flavor. It almost tastes like a slightly sweeter version of peanut butter crackers. It tastes healthy, with denser cookies. I can picture myself hiking a trail and using these for some quick energy.

The Do-Si-Do cookie (LBB) is sweeter than the Peanut Butter Sandwich cookie. It's more like a Nutter Butter cookie. The cookies are flakier, and the filling is sweeter. This cookie is also great in milk. This is the first LBB cookie with lower calories than its ABC counterpart, though it does have a higher sugar content. And I like it better. The Peanut Butter Sandwich tastes too healthy. The Do-Si-Do tastes like a treat.  

Round 4: Do-Si-Do (LBB)

ABC: 2
LBB: 2

Lady Gaga/Chromatica Oreos

Welcome to Chromatica. (Chromatica Oreos, that is.)   Back in 2020, Lady Gaga Oreos were announced. But there was a contest to win them with...